Memebox points giveaway for NEW customers - Cosmetopia Digest Beauty and Makeup Blog



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Monday, October 13, 2014

Memebox points giveaway for NEW customers

If  you have never bought a Memebox so far and do not have an account with them, this one is for you, just so you make up your mind, lol. No, not for those who already have an account with Memebox, sorry. To participate in this giveaway, you will have to create a new account with Memebox and sign up for their newsletter - you can use the link here. Also, duplicate accounts will be disqualified by Memebox, who will reach out to me to pick a new winner. So please do not enter with a duplicate account.
So. Three prizes, open to new customers living in a country where Memebox ships - see the list here.
The prizes are: 
1. Thirty Memepoints for ONE winner, so you can order your first Memebox. So basically the winner gets a free Memebox of their choice!
2. Seven Memepoints for one winner to cancel out shipping.
3. Seven Memepoints for a third winner. 
Conditions from Memebox are that you MUST be a new customer, never having a Memebox account so far. And that you create an account so you can get your points. Anyone creating an account gets $3 points anyway, and the prizes are in addition! Plus, you can use my code B0EB to get $5 off your order.
Read on to enter this giveaway.

Please read ALL these rules carefully before you enter:
  1. You must NOT have a previous account with Memebox. If they find out you do, you will be disqualified. Sorry - their rules!
  2. You MUST create a new account and sign up to receive their newsletter before this giveaway ends. You can do so through this link.
  3. You must be from a country where Memebox ships.
  4. You must comment and tell me that you are creating or have created a Memebox account now, or will do so before this giveaway ends, and that you are from a country where Memebox ships.
  5. If you have entered another giveaway and win there and here, Memebox will credit only ONE set of points to you and will get back to the host to select another winner.
  6. Memebox credits the points to the winners. I pass on your names and account details and bow out, and am only the host, and, therefore, not liable for any issues that might arise.
  7. This giveaway is null wherever void. 
  8. This giveaway is open from October 13 to 20. Winners will be announced on the 20th and MUST reach out within 12 hours with your Memebox account details. If you are late, you will not receive your points, and I will pick another winner, because I have to get the names out to Memebox before the 22nd.
  9. To keep this above board, here is a Rafflecopter widget. If you cannot see it, go here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You can check out all the current Memeboxes here, all Superboxes here, combo sets here and the shop here. Remember, code B0EB gets you $5 off your order! 
Good luck to all who enter!
Disclaimer: Prizes sponsored by Memebox. I was NOT compensated in cash, points, kind or services or anything else that you can think of, for hosting this giveaway. Contains affiliate links.

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