I love picking up nail accessories and art supplies on eBay, it's the cheapest!
These 12 different two-way pens (pen brush and dotting) came for $9 including postage. I also got a free nail polish remover that smells of pineapple and a clear polish with these. They're made in China. Some of the polishes didn't really come through the dotting pen and I had already pricked myself painfully a dozen times with pins in different sizes and shapes. Was about to email the seller when I realised that very thin pins were right under the polishes!
I haven't ever tried FIMO slices before, though I've seen them around forever. I know I'll pick at them. I know they'll fall off in minutes. But I saw this group of 50 canes and was floored. Now I don't want to cut them up because of how cute they are, but there are 3-4 strawberry canes and leaf canes, so they could go under the chopping block. I also got a free blade to chop them with, so look out for a FIMO mani soon (if I can bring myself to chop 'em).
I love the glitters from Konad and am debating creating my own indie polish and making it big on the blogosphere and the nail polish industry. Or end up becoming the lone crabby user and breaking in allergic hives. Lastly, I got some stickers because they look like they're gel-filled. These will stay unused as well until they dry up.
These 12 different two-way pens (pen brush and dotting) came for $9 including postage. I also got a free nail polish remover that smells of pineapple and a clear polish with these. They're made in China. Some of the polishes didn't really come through the dotting pen and I had already pricked myself painfully a dozen times with pins in different sizes and shapes. Was about to email the seller when I realised that very thin pins were right under the polishes!
I haven't ever tried FIMO slices before, though I've seen them around forever. I know I'll pick at them. I know they'll fall off in minutes. But I saw this group of 50 canes and was floored. Now I don't want to cut them up because of how cute they are, but there are 3-4 strawberry canes and leaf canes, so they could go under the chopping block. I also got a free blade to chop them with, so look out for a FIMO mani soon (if I can bring myself to chop 'em).
I love the glitters from Konad and am debating creating my own indie polish and making it big on the blogosphere and the nail polish industry. Or end up becoming the lone crabby user and breaking in allergic hives. Lastly, I got some stickers because they look like they're gel-filled. These will stay unused as well until they dry up.

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